The Little Easy Bean Network....................

Welcome to"The Little Easy Bean Network. You can also find our thread on On the forum list click on Fruits And Vegetables, then click on "2025 Little Easy Bean Network - Growers Of The Future Will Be Glad We Saved". We would like to have your help if you are interested in growing a few of the varieties in this collection. Here is how this bean network operates. On the following pages are photos of all the beans being offered for grow out. Choose what you might like to grow. It could be just one variety or you may choose more than one variety depending on your garden space how much you care to do. Each year I send out the seed to interested gardeners, and bear the cost of the out going packages. You grow the beans you chose, and in the autumn after your seed is harvested and dried enough for storage send back to me a minimum of "60" or more if possible, quality seeds of each variety that you chose from these network pages. The return seed helps insure the varieties survival. If you can, please return your renewed seed by at least late November after the Thanksgiving weekend. This is a good way to try out or acquire some new bean varieties for very little cost. Now how fun can that be?

Sometimes the seed you receive may have darkened a bit with time. It may not always look exactly like the variety pictured on various pages of the website, but is actually the variety requested. However these days that might not exactly be the case as all new seed is now kept in frozen storage which stops the seed darkening process. Spring mailing of seeds of this network begining around the 6th of April until about June 5th. If you plant much earlier than gardeners in the rest of the country. In other words if you live in places like central to south Florida, places in Texas warm enough for early planting, or California. You may after your current years seed returns have been mailed back to me choose your next years beans you would like to grow and renew. Early planters make sure you request your seed by January 20th. Soon after I'm on winter break. If you have never grown beans for the Network and happen to discover this network after the spring planting season. You can request next years seed for grow out for the fall and winter seed mailing from September 1st to January 20th.

In choosing the bean varieties you wish to grow email me to check on availability. Chose only beans from the pages marked The Little Easy Bean Network.

Enjoy the gardening season, and grow lots of the Little Easy Bean Network beans. Become a part of renewing these deserving unique beans. Also join the rest of us bean monsters in coversation on the Little Easy Bean Network thread, and share your garden and bean photos with the rest of us. This is all part of the fun and online companionship of the The Little Easy Bean Network.

The Will Bonsall Collection

On the network page 9 the Will Bonsall Collection begins with the variety Aksai. In 2015 I received 52 packets of outcrossed beans from former SSE member Will Bonsall (Scattered Seed Project). To keep track of the beans grow out progress and related segregations. I numbered the packets WB-PKT #1 to WB-PKT #52. In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result. These beans are available for further grow outs. However some or all of them might still be unstable and subject to further new combinations of seed coats and plant characteristics. The no-name beans still need names. Any new segregations from these no-name beans can also be named by the grower. If upon growing any of the previously named beans in the Will Bonsall Collection and your return seed gives you the same results their current names remain in effect with the exception of any uniquely new seed coats that may be named by the grower.

On the network page 8 the Will Bonsall Collection begins with the variety Aksai. In 2015 I received 52 packets of outcrossed beans from former SSE member Will Bonsall (Scattered Seed Project). To keep track of the beans grow out progress and related segregations. I numbered the packets WB-PKT #1 to WB-PKT #52. In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result.In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result. In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result.

On the network page 8 the Will Bonsall Collection begins with the variety Aksai. In 2015 I received 52 packets of outcrossed beans from former SSE member Will Bonsall (Scattered Seed Project). To keep track of the beans grow out progress and related segregations. I numbered the packets WB-PKT #1 to WB-PKT #52. In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result.In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result. In 2016 the members of this network grew out about half of the packets and named the resulting crop plus any segregations that arose from those grow outs. These beans are the result.These beans are the result. These beans are the result.

Network beans start on Network page 1 or return to Hill Of Beans


A Bean Collectors Window - Contact:

Header Photo By Joseph Simcox - "The Botanical Explorer"
